Youth Adventures
Every Kid Deserves An Adventure
2022 Dates and Rates
at Netop Summer Camp
The fun never ends for the boys at Netop Summer Camp. Raise your game to the next level. Our morning program offers a full range of instructional and fun activities.
Full season – 6 weeks
June 26 – August 6 $7,900
Session I – 3.5 weeks
June 26 – July 19 $5,500
Session II – 2.5 weeks
July 20 – August 6 $4,400
Mini A - open to boys entering grades 3-6. Space is limited.
June 26 – July 9 $3,700
Mini B - open to boys entering grades 3-6. Space is limited.
July 20 – July 30 $3,100
Tuition payments: $600 deposit with registration.
Balance of tuition due in two installments;
50% by March 1 and 50% by May 15.
We are still dealing with uncertain times due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We ran a successful program in 2021, but we want to remind all of our families that all dates are subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic and the program may be conducted under COVID-19 governmental restrictions. Netop Summer Camp also reserves the right to add a “healthcare surcharge” if there are additional medical expenses for the entire camp. You are registering for camp understanding the risk of COVID-19, and the various protocols that accompany a session of camp during a pandemic.
It is understood that COVID-19 restrictions will not be a valid cause for a refund if Netop is permitted to conduct on-site physical camp. For campers coming from overseas, refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be dependent on travel restrictions.
Learn more about Netop Summer Camp
12 Netop Road, Casco, ME 04015